Sep 27Liked by Michael Weinreb

It’s sad enough that Fisher is moving the team out of Oakland. It’s even worse that he doesn’t even have a firm deal for a destination. Three seasons in Sacramento and then hopefully Vegas? Pathetic.

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This sums it up really nicely. Possibly the best of a thousand takes out there. You deserve a case of Ballers Hazy IPA for this

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Once it happened to the Sonics, it became clear it could happen to anybody's team. Maybe the Yankees and Lakers are safe - but hell, they did it to the Rams. The guys who own these teams don't call themselves caretakers or directors or administrators- they call themselves owners. And they don't think of fans as stakeholders. They call us suckers.

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I’m not an Oakland fan, but some of my happiest college era memories took place at the Coliseum/Oakland Arena complex. I brought my Cal Band friends to Warriors games for $10 a pop, marched on the field as part of a Raiders halftime show, and took advantage of A’s Dollar Wednesdays during the Moneyball age. Now, Oakland has none of those teams and it breaks my heart.

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Sep 27Liked by Michael Weinreb

Good stuff as always, went to Spotify and bookmark the podcast.

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